8 dimensions of wellbeing

The below diagram explains how each of the 8 dimension of wellbeing is maintained for a sustainable, contented and resilient life:

The challenge is however what action to take to balance your wellbeing dimensions. Professional women tell me me that they spend most, if not all, of their time providing service to others – they’re mums, partners, daughters, aunts, employees, managers (the list goes on)… so when they get a rare opportunity to spend some time just for themselves, they don’t know what to do with it. Or if they do have the odd hour or two to themselves, their constant need to feel that they should be doing something “productive” means that more often than not they end up doing household chores (i.e. more service)!

For professional women, the risk of burnout is real and much higher than our male peers because of societal expectations for us to handle the majority of the domestic chores and social or family events, as well as working.

Does this sound like you?

I put together a ‘time for you’ toolkit to inspire women like you to spend time on activities that will support YOUR well-being, because if you don’t take the time to look after yourself, you won’t be able to continue to look after those who rely on you.

Want to assess which areas of your wellbeing might be out of whack and find inspiration for activities to balance them?

The links below will also give you ideas on how can maintain each dimension of wellbeing using the principles of lagom:

Occupational FinancialEnvironmentalSocial

I share my experience of living lagom and the changes James and I have made through my blog, but please remember this is your life – what may feel unbalanced to me could feel balanced to you – that is fine – this is all about you, your life and what is lagom (just the right amount) for you.

If you want to reach out to discuss how living La Vida Lagom could help you then please get in touch