What is a Women’s Circle or Retreat?

Women throughout history have gathered in circles to empower each other and share their wisdom. A women’s circle is a safe and sacred space for women to come together, use their voices, be heard and be seen, share, experience and relish in each other’s company.

A circle could also be described as a mini retreat – a circle lasts for hours whereas a retreat lasts for day(s) – and many retreats will include a daily circle.

Women in modern society hold a lot of personas…Mum, Wife, Partner, Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Friend, Employee, Professional, Business Owner, Carer, Cleaner, Cook the list goes on… But who are you? What is it that interests you, what do you enjoy, who is it that you aspire to be? Many women can’t answer this because they spent all their time providing service to others and spend no time for themselves. A women’s circle and/or a women’s retreat is an opportunity to detach from work and home responsibilities for a few hours or a few days, an opportunity for you to be just you – time for you to discover who you truly are. Being immersed in mindful practices such as meditation, yoga and creative activities promotes a sense of inner stillness, helping to quiet the mind and foster a sense of peace to truly be at one with yourself. This can help heal or prevent burnout, improve mental clarity and promote better sleep, supporting your resilience for the day to day challenges life has for you.

So, if you’re craving solace from everyday stressors, a women’s retreat is for you….if you need a break from the constant hustle of life, then a women’s retreat is for you….if you want to develop practices that help you embrace and understand who you truly are, then a women’s treat is for you.

Want to understand more? Get in Touch. Want to see what events we have done before? See below. Want to know what we’ve got coming up? Sign Up to the mailing list

St Nectan’s Glen – February 2023

Tarifa, Spain – November 2023

St Nectan’s Glen – July 2024

Monthly Circles

Held every other month on a Sunday (12pm – 4pm) at either the Bellessa Lounge, West End or The Point, Eastleigh

Upcoming Events

Tarifa, Spain 16 – 23 November 2024 (SOLD OUT)

Breathe and Release 7-9 March 2025 – Details coming soon