Letting go in October

Just as the trees let go of their leaves in October, not mourning the loss of summer, but instead letting go in trust and believing that new growth will come, you are invited in October to let go – clear out space and prepare yourself for the quieter, shorter days to come and trust that you will bloom again.

Grasping, gripping or holding onto something can cause suffering. Instead of surrendering into the flow and fluidity of life, we hold on to something we believe to be true, or we want to be true, and in turn exhaust ourselves, waste energy and live in the past.

Most of us try hard to control our lives and our realities. Letting go of the past or how we believe we should be is tough. It is as hard to let go of the good (or potential good) experiences as it is the bad experiences. Letting go requires trust. It requires finding peace in knowing that we are not in control of everything in life. It requires belief that change is positive and will, in time, be a better outcome.

The river doesn’t know of the ocean that awaits it, but if the river were to stop flowing it would stagnate. In October, be more river! Trust into the flow of life, the thrill of the unknown, each unfolding moment bringing something new to experience and we are worthy of experiencing it all.

Letting go creates space to let in the new, new habits, new relationships, new friendships, new opportunities – whatever it is that you desire, letting go of the old will help you gain the new.

Things you can do in October to help you let go:

Try journaling on these prompts

  • What am I holding onto that is preventing me experience my desires?
  • What is preventing me from trusting in the future?
  • What can I let go of and find a sense of gratitude as I do?

Write a letter to yourself

Writing or journalling can be seen as a mindful and meditative practice. It is a peaceful way to express and challenge our truth in a non-judgmental way, we have free reign to get it all out, express our thoughts, fears, hopes and it can remain just ours or be shared with others.

Try writing a letter to your younger self or your older self. Offer reassurance, guidance and loving encouragement to them.

Write down all the things your younger self longed to hear or know. Tell your older self all the things they need to hear and know. Both can be a way of letting go of the past and trusting into the future.

Let the Hunter’s moon illuminate your path ahead

In October the full moon (around 17 October) is known as the hunter’s moon. It is the first full moon after the harvest moon in September when the fields are cleared from crops leaving them bare and easier for hunters to find their prey. The hunters moon brings with it a further shift in season, making it the perfect time to let go of that which is holding us back from fulfilling our potential.

When the full moon arrives, take some time to stand in it’s guiding light. Breathe in the positive energy and breath out any negative or restraining energy. Visualise yourself letting go of anything that is holding you back.

You could also combine this practice with the journalling practice and physically destroy (burn, tear, dissolve) that which is holding you back – physically and mentally let it go.

Walk amongst the trees

Physically getting out in nature is one of the best things we can do for ourselves, but much in the same way we can use the hunters moon to help us let go we can also use the trees.

Pick a tree you are drawn to. Stand with your hand touching it. Tell it your worries, your fears, what is holding you back. Let the tree take this from you. Give thanks to the tree for its support and then look down to the base of the tree to see what it has released for you.

If you want, pick something you are drawn to (a leaf, twig, seed pod etc.) and keep it as a reminder of moving forward and letting go of the past.

Let me know in the comments of any other ways you find to let go and trust into the flow of life